The license renewal process varies from state to state. Each state sets standards and requirements for a real estate professional license renewal. Different agencies facilitate license renewal in every state. But even though it’s different in every state, they have a common denominator: Continuing Education credits. offers real estate Continuing Education unique for California, Colorado, Indiana, New York, Ohio, Massachusetts, and Washington.
License Renewal in California
- Complete the 45 hours of real estate continuing education before a licensee renew a real estate professional license. You can sign up at to start your California real estate Continuing Education.
- Go to the eLicensing website of the Department of Real Estate and enter the course credits you were able to finish. You can renew as early as 90 days before the expiration of your license.
- You will have to pay a license renewal fee for the processing of your license. After you finish the payment process, your license will be renewed and certified.
License Renewal in Ohio
- Complete the 30 hours of Continuing Education requirements for a real estate professional license renewal. You can sign up at to start your Ohio real estate Continuing Education.
- You should log in to the Real Estate eLicensing Center on the website of the Ohio Department of Commerce Division and enter the essential information.
- Enter the necessary information on the eLicense Center website and pay the renewal fees to process your license.
License Renewal in Washington
- Complete the 90-hour real estate Continuing Education requirement for the renewal of your professional real estate license. Enroll at for guaranteed excellent Continuing Education.
- Visit the Washington Real Estate Commission website to be guided through the process of renewal, including crediting of real estate continuing education courses.
- Create your SecureAccess Washington account, apply for renewal, and pay the necessary fees.
License Renewal in Colorado
- Complete the 24-hour real estate Continuing Education requirement by the Colorado Real Estate Commission. Sign up now to start your Continuing Education!
- Apply for license renewal to the Colorado Real Estate Commission. There is a 3-year licensing cycle.
- Finish your real estate Continuing Education before the expiration of your license and pay the renewal fee to process your application.
License Renewal in New Jersey
- Complete the 12 hours of real estate Continuing Education to be eligible to apply for license renewal. Enroll now and start NJ real estate Continuing Education.
- Visit the Real Estate License Services portal on the Department of Banking and Insurance of New Jersey website and provide essential information.
- Pay the renewal fee and wait for the notification about the status of your license renewal application.
License Renewal in Indiana
- Complete the 12 hours real estate Continuing Education requirement every year of the 3-year licensing cycle. Register and start now your Continuing Education.
- Log in at Indiana Licensing Enterprise and fill out the license renewal application form. You can send it via email or print it and then mail it.
- The license renewal process depends on how you submit your license renewal application. Make sure to pay the application fee to process your request for renewal.
License Renewal in Michigan
- Complete the 18-hour real estate Continuing Education within three years of licensing cycle. Start your Continuing Education now before your application period.
- You must log in to MIPlus on the website of Michigan Licensing and Regulatory Affairs.
- Click ‘licenses’ in the options and find your license number. Click ‘renew license’ and provide the necessary information. Lastly, pay the license renewal fee.
License Renewal in New York
- Complete the 22.5 hours of real estate Continuing Education. Sign up now to start your Continuing Education.
- Sign up and log in on the eAccessNY portal.
- Fill out the necessary information and pay for the renewal fee.
License Renewal in Massachusetts
- Complete the 12 hours of real estate Continuing Education by signing up at
- Visit the ePlace portal and create a log-in account, and select the online application file. Fill out the file and go back to the portal.
- Select Division of Professional Licensure, and enter your license number and the authorization code in your renewal form. Lastly, submit your application and pay the renewal fee.