Real estate continuing education is an important part of a real estate professional’s career. It bridges the gap of real estate fundamental knowledge and fast-paced progress in the real estate industry. Real estate continuing education prepares real estate professionals to deal with real estate affairs, transactions, and disputes through best practices. It is important to keep on learning and improving skills and knowledge as real estate professionals venture into the real estate industry.

Real Estate Continuing Education Requirements
The state of New York requires 22.5 hours of real estate continuing education for real estate professionals. The 22.5 hours real estate continuing education requirements are applicable for real estate brokers and salespersons. The Department of State of New York released the list of approved courses and course providers to offer real estate continuing education for real estate professionals who want to renew their licenses.
Enroll In An Authorized School
It is very important to ensure that you are taking your real estate continuing education with a school that passed the standard of the Department of State of New York. Your real estate continuing education course credits will not be accredited for your license renewal if you do not take your real estate continuing education from a certified school. This regulation ensures that only competent schools that can offer quality real estate continuing education can operate. It is a way of uplifting the real estate industry in the state of New York. has been a trusted and qualified school that offers 22.5 hours of real estate continuing education for real estate professionals in New York. The quality of education is the top priority. That is why only approved courses b the Department of State are offered here. Compliance with state regulation is very important to ensure that the school operates and offers real estate continuing education at the right side of the law.
Curriculum And Course Delivery
The Department of State of New York set the course topics that should constitute the 22.5 hours of real estate continuing education for brokers and salespersons who would like to renew their license. The courses include three hours of fair housing, one hour of agency, two and a half hours of ethical business practices, and one hour of recent legal matters, including statutes, laws, regulations, rules, codes, DOS opinions, and court decisions. These courses are imperative in the process of improving real estate knowledge and practice every licensing cycle, which means another journey to the career of real estate professionals.
At, all the approved courses of the Department of State are offered. All topics are explained in Layman’s Terms to ensure that your learning will be easy and efficient. You can access the learning materials within 12 months. Suppose that you encounter difficulties along the way. You can consult our skilled instructors to address your questions and clarification regarding the course topics. This way, we can be sure that you have quality real estate continuing education without being exhausted.

Sign Up and Enroll Now!
Sign Up and enroll now at and start your real estate continuing education journey on your own time and within your budget. After completing the 22.5 hours of New York real estate continuing education, you will be given a certificate that you can use as proof of your continuing education completion, which is a major and primary requirement for license renewal. All you have to do is apply for license renewal in the Department of State in New York and pay for the license renewal fee. You just have to show your certificate, and your continuing education will be credited to the real estate continuing education requirement.