Real estate is very crucial in keeping the real estate industry at its best with skilled real estate professionals. It keeps the real estate professionals equipped with fundamental knowledge and skills to perform real estate duties and affairs at their best. Not only technical knowledge can be learned through taking continuing education, even ethical and legal practices in the real estate industry can be learned. It is very important to pay attention to the long-term benefit of quality and accessible real estate continuing education.

Real Estate Continuing Education Requirements
The Washington Department of Licensing requires 90 hours of continuing education for the first license renewal and 30 hours of continuing education to maintain a real estate professional license after the first renewal. The renewal cycle is every 2 years, and if you are a real estate professional in Washington, you need to apply for license renewal before your birthday. All real estate licenses will expire on the birthday of the license owner. That is why it is important to finish your real estate continuing education before your birthday.
Enroll In An Authorized School
Secure a continuing education slot in an authorized school. It is important to enroll in a state-recognized and certified school to ensure that your real estate continuing education credits will be duly credited to your license renewal. Suppose you enroll in a school that is not state-recognized. In that case, the licensing department will not approve your application for license renewal, and you have to enroll in certified schools that offer real estate continuing education.
Secure a slot at and start your real estate continuing education with a state-approved and certified school that offers quality and accessible real estate continuing education at the lowest price that the industry has to offer. You can check the approval seal from the Real Estate Services of the Washington Department of Licensing. Furthermore, a certified school means a certified real estate continuing education curriculum that aims to uplift the real estate industry.
Curriculum And Course Delivery
For brokers who are renewing licenses for the first time, they need to take 90 hours of Washington real estate continuing education. The 90 hours of continuing education is consists of a 30-Hour Advanced Practices course, a 30-Hour Real Estate Law course, 27 hours of elective credits, and one 3-hour Washington Core law update course. On the other hand, brokers who need to renew for subsequent times need to finish 30 hours of Washington real estate continuing education with 3 hours of Washington Core courses reviewing law updates. offers all these required courses for Washington real estate continuing education. All course topics are explained in Layman’s Term to ensure that you are learning easily and efficiently. It is very important that the course does not get you exhausted and tired. Suppose that you have inquiries and qualifications along the process of finishing your Washington real estate continuing education, our instructors will be available online for consultations. Through consultations, you can check if you are learning the concepts appropriately and clear.

Sign Up and Enroll Now!
Sign Up and enroll now for the 90 hours and 30 hours of Washington real estate continuing education. You must be wise in choosing your education provider, and you have to make sure that your school is certified by the Washington Department of Licensing. You will be given a certificate of completion for the real estate license renewal. All you need to do is present your current license, your real estate continuing education certificate of completion, and your fingerprint. Your request for renewal will be processed after you pay the license renewal fee. After all of that, you are all set for another journey in the real estate industry.