A prime requisite for professionals in the real estate industry is to win and hold the respect and confidence of others. This is why renewing your real estate license is not just an essential responsibility; but a crucial step in maintaining your legal standing and professional reputation with clients.
Unexpected circumstances, however, can sometimes happen that may lead to the expiration of your real estate license. If you find yourself in this situation, you need to take immediate and strategic action to get back on track. In this article, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of renewing an expired license in nine states across the United States.
Reasons Why Licenses Expire
Reasons for license expiration usually include forgetting to renew, failure to meet continuing education requirements or personal difficulties that impede the renewal process. If your license has expired, the process to regain active status depends on how long it’s been expired and the specific regulations of your state.
Typically, you may be able to renew for up to a certain period after the expiration date by paying a late fee and completing the Continuing Education (CE) requirements. Beyond the grace period, it may not be possible to renew and you may have to reapply for a new license. The sooner you address the expired license, the less complex and costly the process will be.
Renewing an Expired Real Estate License in 9 States
While the general steps for renewing an expired real estate license are similar across states, certain specific requirements, time frames, and due dates may differ considerably. Regardless of expiration, one integral part of license renewal is completing specific CE courses set by each state. We recommend getmerenewed.com as an excellent resource for fulfilling your CE requirements as they offer convenient access to accredited courses that meet the licensing requirements of different states.
Now here is a detailed guide on renewing an expired real estate license in California, Colorado, Indiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, and Washington. For more state-specific details and information, you can contact your state’s real estate commission.
Renewing Your Expired Real Estate License in California

Real estate license in California is valid for four years from date of issue. Whether your California real estate license expired recently or a while back, renewing it requires specific steps.
1. Check your license for the exact date of expiration and eligibility. You can renew your license within two years after it expires. If more than two years, you may need to follow the reinstatement process with additional steps and fees. Go to the California Department of Real Estate (DRE) website to find detailed eligibility information and renewal deadlines.
2. Complete the Continuing Education (CE) coursework requirement. All license types require completing 45 hours of approved CE before renewal.
3. Submit your Renewal Application. You can submit your application online through DRE’s eLicensing system. You will need to register for an account if you do not have one.
4. Pay the applicable fees. Late Renewal (within two years of expiration date) fees are $367 for Salesperson and $450 for Broker.
5. Check your license status to verify if your license has been renewed.
Please note that this guide only serves as general information. For the latest updates and regulations, always check the official DRE website.
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Renewing Your Expired Real Estate License in Colorado

Colorado Broker licenses must be renewed every three years. Failure to renew your license on or before December 31 of every third year of issuance will result in the expiration of your license. If your license has expired, renewing it requires specific steps.
1. To reinstate an expired license, you must submit a reinstatement application including appropriate documents and fees. If your license is inactive, you must still renew it to maintain the inactive status and avoid reinstatement fees.
2. You can renew or reinstate your license online through the Colorado Division of Real Estate website. Log in to your online management account to commence the renewal process.
-Select “Online Services” from the upper right-hand corner of the screen. Select “Renew/Reinstate Your License” from the menu.
– Follow the prompts. Once your payment is submitted, print your receipt. A receipt will also be emailed to you.
– Allow 24 to 48 hours for your new license to generate in the online portal.
– You may confirm the update to your expiration date within your E-license account by selecting the “License Information” tab in the “Home” area of your account.
3. Once your application is approved, your license expiration date will be set to December 31 of the year of reinstatement. A successful reinstatement of an expired license will change the status of that license from “Expired” to “Inactive.”
4. To update your license to “Active” status, you must complete the “Transfer/Activate/Inactivate license” application.
5. Reinstatement is only available for three years past the date of license expiration. A licensee who fails to reinstate within three years of license expiration must reapply.
6. All brokers are obligated to complete 24 hours of approved CE within the licensing cycle.
Please note that this guide only serves as general information. For the latest updates and regulations regarding real estate license renewal in Colorado, always check the official DRE website.
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Renewing Your Expired Real Estate License in Indiana

A real estate license in Indiana is valid for three years. There’s a specific window where applications for license renewals are accepted and it typically begins in March. Real estate licenses are set to expire on June 30 in a given year and you will receive a notice for renewal by email.
If your license has been expired for three or more years, you must reinstate your license to practice.
1. Visit the Indiana Professional Licensing Agency (IPLA) portal for detailed eligibility information and renewal deadlines.
2. Submit your reinstatement online with additional documentation.
3. Documentation to Upload: Proof of Continuing Education:
License expired for 3 or more years, complete 36 hours of continuing education
License expired for 9 or more years, complete the 90-hour pre-license course.
Exam Pass Notice. You must retake the National and Indiana state exam at psiexams.com.
4. Pay the renewal fee including penalty.
Broker renewal fee for expired license of less than three years is $110.
Broker reinstatement fee for expired license of more than three years is $120.
5. Upon submission and receipt of the above items, the Board will determine if you will need to complete any other additional training.
Please note that this guide only serves as general information. For the latest updates and regulations regarding the real estate license renewal in Indiana, always check the official IPLA website.
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Renewing Your Expired Real Estate License in Massachusetts

Your Massachusetts real estate broker or salesperson license is valid for two years. During a renewal year, your license is due for renewal on your birthday. If your Massachusetts license has expired, getting it reactivated requires specific steps to regain your active status.
1. If your license has been expired for more than two years, you must reinstate by completing the request for Real Estate Reinstatement Application
2. Licensees requesting for an “active” status on the Reinstatement Application must complete 12 hours of CE before applying for reinstatement (except Massachusetts Attorneys in good standing with the Board of Bar Overseers).
3. All brokers, active or inactive, must obtain a bond prior to submitting the reinstatement application.
4. Submit the CE certificate of completion with the signed Reinstatement Application.
5. Upon receipt of complete payment and attestation, wait for approval as the Board reviews your application for completeness and accuracy. Check your status on the official website under Check a License.
Visit the Massachusetts Board of Registration of Real Estate Brokers and Salespersons website for more detailed information. Remember, this guide provides general information. Always check the official website for the latest updates and regulations regarding real estate license renewal in Massachusetts.
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Renewing Your Expired Real Estate License in Michigan

Michigan real estate salesperson license expires every three years. Whether your license expired recently or a while back, this guide will help you navigate the process efficiently. Detailed information on license renewal can be found on the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) website.
1. Determine Your Expiration Date and Eligibility. The expiration date of your license corresponds to the date on which the license was initially issued.
– You have a 60-day grace or “late renewal” period following your license expiration.
– Licensees who fail to renew within the 60-day period, will have up to three years after expiration date to complete a salesperson reinstatement form or a broker reinstatement form in order to renew.
For Salesperson:
– Applicants with expired licenses of LESS than 3 years must complete six hours of real estate continuing education for each year and partial year missed. At least 2 hours per year must cover real estate law, rules, and court cases.
– Make sure to keep copies of your CE completion records for future reference. LARA does not mandate licensees to submit proof of completion, instead they conduct random audits to confirm compliance.
– Applicants with expired licenses of MORE than 3 years must choose one of the following:
a. Pass Exam: Submit online application to receive approval.
b. Submit a copy of an approved 40-hour prelicensure course completion certificate completed within the last 12 months.
c. Submit proof of completion of six hours of real estate CE for each year and partial year missed. At least 2 hours per year must cover real estate law, rules, and court cases.
For Broker:
– Applicants with an expired license of LESS than 3 years must complete six hours of real estate continuing education for each year and partial year missed. At least 2 hours per year must cover real estate law, rules, and court cases.
– Make sure to keep copies of your CE completion records for future reference. LARA does not mandate licensees to submit proof of completion, instead they conduct random audits to confirm compliance.
– Applicants with an expired license of MORE than 3 years must choose one of the following:
a. Exam: Take and pass the Real Estate Broker examination administered by PSI Services.
b. Complete 90 hours of approved prelicensure education courses which includes 9 hours of civil rights law and equal opportunity in housing within 12 months immediately preceding the date of application
c. Complete 6 hours of real estate continuing education for each year and partial year missed. At least 2 hours per year must cover real estate law, rules, and court cases.
Remember, this guide provides general information. Always check with LARA for the latest updates and regulations regarding real estate license renewal in Michigan.
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Renewing Your Expired Real Estate License in New Jersey

New Jersey salesperson license is valid for two years. License renewal deadline for all real estate agents is June 30 of odd numbered years. When your New Jersey real estate license expires, you can still get it reinstated.
Here is an overview of the process to help you navigate the renewal procedures. Visit the New Jersey Real Estate Commission (NREC) website for detailed information and updates about license renewal.
1. Real estate licenses not renewed by the June 30 deadline may still be reinstated for up to two years. To qualify for license renewal or reinstatement as a broker, broker-salesperson or salesperson, ONE of the following CE requirements must be fulfilled:
– Completion of a total of 12 credit hours of CE applicable to the license term.
– Successful completion of one or more broker pre-licensure education courses within the license term.
2. To apply for reinstatement, application may be completed online. Provide all required information, including personal details, license number, CE completion records, and payment information.
3. Applicant must complete the requisite 12 hours of CE.
4. Applicant must complete the qualifying questions online. Only individuals applying for license reinstatement may complete the questions. Brokers can not complete the questions on behalf of applicants.
5. Settle any fees connected with the reinstatement process.
6. Wait for approval as NREC reviews your application and supporting documents.
7. Once approved, you will receive an email informing that your license has been reinstated.
Remember, this guide provides general information. Always check with the NREC website for the latest updates and regulations regarding real estate license renewal in New Jersey.
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Renewing an Expired Real Estate License in New York

A New York real estate license is valid for two years. The expiration date is printed on your license. If your license has been expired for less than two years, you can apply for reinstatement.
Here’s a quick guide to navigate the process. For more detailed information, visit the New York Department of State (NYDOS) website.
1. Verify your eligibility for reinstatement. You can renew your license up to 2 years after it expires, but you will be disqualified from conducting any real estate activities requiring a license.
2. Fulfill Continuing Education (CE) Requirements: All New York real estate agents and brokers are required to complete 22.5 hours of continuing education (CE) courses every two years when they renew their license.
3. Submit your application together with supporting documents online through the NYDOS eAccessNY.
4. Pay the license renewal fee.
5. Await Approval. The NYDOS reviews your application for accuracy and completeness.
6. Keep copies of your CE certificates for future reference.
7. Update your contact information with the NYDOS to ensure timely communication.
Remember, this guide provides general information. Always refer to the official NYDOS website for the latest updates and regulations regarding real estate license renewal in New York.
Renew your expired real estate license hassle-free with getmerenewed.com. Sign up now!
Renewing an Expired Real Estate License in Ohio

The state renewal period on real estate license in Ohio is every three years on the Licensee’s birthday. If you fail to renew your license, it will be automatically suspended. You cannot participate in any real estate sales or brokerage activities with an inactive license.
Here’s a quick guide on what you need to do to activate your license. For more detailed information on the process, you can contact the Ohio Division of Real Estate and Professional Licensing (REPL):
1. Determine Your Eligibility: Understanding your eligibility for renewal based on the duration of your license expiration. You can reactivate your license for up to one year after expiration date. You cannot renew a license that has been expired for over a year. Instead, you will be required to reapply to obtain a new license.
2. To reactivate a suspended license, you need to complete the transfer/reactivation application.
3. Fulfill Continuing Education (CE) Requirements: Regardless of expiration time, completing 30 hours of Ohio Real Estate Commission (OREC)-approved CE courses is mandatory for renewal.
4. Submit Your Reactivation Application and pay any applicable fees.
Please note that this guide only serves as general information. For the latest updates and regulations regarding real estate license renewal in Ohio, always check the official Ohio Department of Commerce website.
Renew your expired real estate license hassle-free with getmerenewed.com. Sign up here!

Renewing an Expired Real Estate License in Washington

In Washington, a real estate license expires two years from the date of issue. If you fail to meet the renewal requirements by the renewal date, you can reinstate your license for up to three years. If your license has been expired for more than three years, you must apply for a new license.
To reinstate your expired license involves specific steps. Here’s a guide to help you navigate the process. For more detailed information on eligibility and the reinstatement/re-application process, visit the Washington State Department of Licensing website.
Requirements for Reinstatement
1, Confirm your eligibility to reinstate. You can email realestate@dol.wa.gov to determine if you can reinstate your license and they will email instructions and the amount of reinstatement fee.
2. Fulfill all the Continuing Education (CE) Requirements: You must successfully complete the coursework within one year before applying for reinstatement and settle the license fees including penalties. This includes
– 60 clock hours of approved coursework (30 of which must include Real Estate Law course)
– Pay all back renewal fees plus penalties
– Pay a $100 reinstatement penalty fine
How to reinstate your license
1. Prepare all the required documents for legal background questions (if needed).
2. Make sure you have copies of your course completion certifications ready to upload.
3. Apply for reinstatement and pay online by logging into SecureAccess Washington (SAW). You will need to create an account if you don’t have one.
4. Wait for approval by the Washington Department of Licensing. Your new real estate license will be sent electronically to your SAW account. You can download and print the license for your records.
Please note that this guide only serves as general information. For the latest updates and regulations regarding real estate license renewal in Washington, always check the official DOL website.
Renew your expired real estate license hassle-free with getmerenewed.com. Sign up here!

GetMeRenewed Can Help You
GetMeRenewed is a great and reliable CE course provider for fulfilling CE requirements during your renewal/reinstatement process. They offer convenient and accredited courses online that you can complete at your own pace making the process more manageable.
Do not let an expired real estate license disrupt your career. Stay proactive by setting reminders well in advance of your license expiry date. This simple step can save you from potential income loss, client dissatisfaction, and the hassle of reinstatement process and late penalty fines.