How to Make the Most of the Summer Real Estate Market

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As the weather heats up, so does the housing market. The summer real estate market is characterized by increased activity, faster sales, higher home availability, and notable price spikes. Understanding these seasonal trends is crucial for buyers, sellers, and real estate agents alike. 

Staying informed and strategically navigating the summer market, all parties can maximize their opportunities and achieve their real estate goals. 

In this article, we’ll explore the key trends of the summer real estate market and provide practical tips for capitalizing on this vibrant season.

Summer Real Estate Market Trends

The summer real estate market is marked by several distinctive trends that set it apart from other seasons. Here’s an overview of the key trends you can expect during this time:

Increased Sales Volume

Every summer, the number of homes sold sees a significant rise. For instance, in January 2021, only 437,347 homes were sold nationwide, but by June, that number had surged to 733,876, an impressive 68.7% increase. This uptick in sales volume translates to more opportunities for real estate professionals, resulting in increased workload and potential income.

Faster Home Sales

Homes sell much faster during the summer months compared to the winter. In January 2021, the average American home took 34 days to sell, whereas in June and July, homes were selling in just 15 days. This rapid pace means sellers must be ready for a quick sale and have their next move planned. Buyers, on the other hand, need to act quickly to secure their desired property before someone else does.

Higher Availability of Homes

The summer season also sees more homes coming onto the market. For example, from February to August 2021, there was a 32% increase in available homes. This rise in inventory provides buyers with more choices, but it also means sellers face more competition. Sellers need to ensure their homes stand out, which might involve highlighting key features, using professional photos, and offering virtual tours.

Price Spikes

Summer is not only a time of increased activity but also higher prices. Homes listed in May typically sell for a premium, with an average increase of 12.6% above market value. Data from Redfin shows that the median sales price in the U.S. rose from $329,176 in January 2021 to $384,533 in June, partly due to seasonality. This price jump is good news for sellers looking to maximize their profits, but buyers should be prepared to pay more during these peak months.

Detailed Market Analysis

More Home Sales

The surge in home sales during the summer months is a notable trend in the real estate market. By comparing data from January to June, the contrast becomes evident. In January 2021, only 437,347 homes sold nationwide. 

However, by June of the same year, this figure soared to 733,876, reflecting a substantial increase of 68.7%. For real estate professionals, this surge translates to more opportunities for transactions and higher potential earnings.

Faster Home Sales

One of the most striking differences between winter and summer real estate markets is the pace of home sales. In January 2021, the average American home spent 34 days on the market before being sold. In stark contrast, during June and July, homes were snapped up in just 15 days. 

This rapid turnover necessitates sellers to be prepared for swift transactions, while buyers must act decisively to secure their desired property. Real estate agents play a crucial role in educating their clients to adapt to the fast-paced nature of the summer market.

Increased Home Availability

The transition from winter to summer sees a notable increase in the availability of homes on the market. From February to August 2021, there was a remarkable 32% surge in the number of homes available for sale. While this abundance offers buyers more options, it also intensifies competition among sellers. To stand out in a crowded market, sellers must employ strategic tactics such as highlighting key features, utilizing professional photography, and leveraging virtual tours.

Price Spikes

Perhaps one of the most significant factors influencing the summer real estate market is the notable price spikes. Analysis reveals that homes listed in May typically sell for a premium of 12.6% above market value on average. This upward trend in prices is further substantiated by data showing a median sales price increase from $329,176 in January 2021 to $384,533 by June of the same year. 

While rising home values contribute to this trend, seasonality also plays a significant role. Sellers stand to benefit from these seasonal price increases, although buyers should be prepared for the financial implications of purchasing during peak months. 

Understanding these price dynamics is crucial for both buyers and sellers in navigating the summer real estate market effectively.

Factors Contributing to a Hot Summer Market

The summer real estate market isn’t just a product of seasonal temperature changes; it’s influenced by a variety of factors that create a unique environment for buyers, sellers, and agents. Here are the key contributors to the bustling summer market:

Family Moves During School Breaks

Families with children often prefer to move during the summer months when school is out. This allows them to settle into their new home before the next academic year begins. Consequently, the summer witnesses a surge in demand as families seek to transition seamlessly without disrupting their children’s education.

Holiday Season Slowdown

From Halloween through New Year’s, the real estate market tends to experience a slowdown. With festivities and holiday obligations taking precedence, both buyers and sellers are less inclined to engage in real estate transactions. As a result, many individuals postpone their plans until the arrival of spring and summer, leading to a pent-up demand that fuels the hot summer market.

Longer Daylight Hours for House Hunting

The extended daylight hours during the summer provide prospective buyers with more time for house hunting. With sunlight lingering well into the evening, individuals can schedule property viewings after work, maximizing their opportunities to explore potential homes. This extended window of daylight is particularly advantageous for buyers who may have limited availability during darker winter months.

Better Home Presentation in Good Weather

Sunny skies and pleasant weather not only uplift moods but also enhance the presentation of homes. Unlike the dreariness of winter, summer weather showcases properties in their best light, literally and figuratively. Lush landscaping, vibrant gardens, and inviting outdoor spaces are more appealing to prospective buyers, leading to heightened interest and faster sales.

Understanding these contributing factors allows buyers, sellers, and agents to navigate the nuances of the summer real estate market more effectively. By leveraging these seasonal dynamics to their advantage, stakeholders can capitalize on the opportunities presented by the vibrant summer market.

Strategies for Real Estate Agents to Capitalize on the Summer Market

Real estate agents play a pivotal role in navigating the dynamic landscape of the summer market. Here are some strategies to help agents make the most of this bustling season:

Getting Licensed

For aspiring agents, obtaining a real estate license is the first step towards seizing opportunities in the summer market. The process typically involves completing an online real estate course, passing the licensing exam, and submitting the necessary paperwork and fees to the state regulatory authority. 

By acquiring a license, agents gain the credentials required to represent buyers and sellers in transactions, opening the door to a rewarding career in real estate.


Preparation is key to thriving in the summer market. Agents should establish robust business tools and systems to handle the increased workload efficiently. This may include implementing customer relationship management (CRM) software, organizing transaction documents, and streamlining communication channels. 

Laying the groundwork before the summer rush, agents can ensure smooth operations and provide top-notch service to clients.

Increasing Marketing Efforts in Spring

Spring serves as a prime opportunity for agents to ramp up their marketing efforts in anticipation of the summer market. This may involve launching targeted advertising campaigns, updating online listings with professional photos and compelling descriptions, and leveraging social media platforms to engage with potential clients. 

Building visibility and generating buzz leading up to the summer season, agents can attract more buyers and sellers to their services.

Timing and Advising Clients

Timing is crucial in the summer market, and agents play a vital role in advising clients on the optimal listing times and strategies. For sellers, recommending mid-May as the ideal time to list their properties can maximize exposure and potential returns. 

Agents should also prepare buyers for the competitive nature of the market, emphasizing the importance of swift decision-making and strategic offers to secure desired properties amidst heightened demand.

Work Ethic

The summer market demands a strong work ethic from real estate agents. With increased activity and competition, agents must be prepared to put in long hours to meet client needs and capitalize on opportunities. By maintaining a proactive and dedicated approach, agents can navigate the fast-paced nature of the summer market effectively. 

Also, agents should plan for time off during the slower winter months, allowing for rest and rejuvenation while strategically preparing for the next summer season.

Start Your Real Estate Career Today with 

As you’ve learned, the summer real estate market offers a plethora of opportunities for buyers, sellers, and agents alike. With increased sales volume, faster transactions, and higher prices, the summer season presents a prime opportunity for agents to capitalize on the bustling market.

At, we provide the essential tools and resources to kickstart your real estate career. Our comprehensive online courses fulfill the mandated 90 hours of pre-licensing education required by the State of Washington’s Department of Licensing. 

With professionally recorded audio and visual content, over 600 practice tests, and unlimited exam retakes, our courses are designed to prepare you for success in the real estate industry.

Whether you’re embarking on a new career path or seeking to enhance your skills as a seasoned agent, now is the perfect time to take advantage of the opportunities presented by the summer real estate market. Leveraging the trends and strategies outlined in this article, you can elevate your business and achieve your professional goals.

So why wait? Start your real estate journey today with and position yourself for success in the thriving summer market and beyond.